Reflection Reflect Me

10/04/2024 The Social Eyes 0

Zoé Saurais Empereur Our self-image sticks to us more than ever. It sticks to our skin, to our look, to our brain. How many mirrors, cameras, screen returns, photographs bring us back to our own reflection? For the youngest generations – those most plugged in […] See more

Honoring JayCy

09/30/2024 Colin McGregor 0

By Colin McGregor On November 7th at the National Assembly of Quebec, a special day for one of our teens. JayCy Denis (pictured) will be honored with one of the Leviers Awards. Given by ROCAJQ (the Regroupement des organismes communautaires autonomes jeunesse du Québec), the […] See more

Bout du Monde: Defying Stereotypes

12/30/2022 The Social Eyes 0

By the Bout du Monde collective The Bout du Monde (edge of the world) collective was formed in 2014. Its five members, Nicholas, Max, Melvin, Sasha and Evans, today 16 to 19 years of age, have been accompanied by their mentor Ricardo Lamour as they’ve journeyed to places […] See more