Breakdance Wednesdays

09/27/2024 Colin McGregor 0

Wednesdays at Café Graffiti during the months of October and November will be our breakdance nights under the direction of Lazylegz. World-renowned b-boy Luca “Lazylegz” Patuelli (pictured), who was at the opening ceremony of the Paris Paralympic Games and the Olympic Games with his ILL-Abilities […] See more

Where LazyLegz Will Be in the Coming Weeks

02/22/2023 Colin McGregor 0

A full schedule for appearances in the coming weeks by Luca Patuelli, aka Lazylegz, internationally renowned breakdancer and advocate of rights for the disabled: 24-25 February – WDSF Breakin for Gold, Kitakyushu, Japan 23 March – Conference in Rouyn-Nouranda 28 March – 9 April – On […] See more

Café Graffiti : 25 Years of Involvement

01/19/2023 Raymond Viger 1

A year of celebration and change. The Café Graffiti celebrates its quarter century while the Journal de la Rue celebrates its 30th birthday. The adventure began with the Journal de la Rue, the first French-speaking street newspaper in the world. It was followed in 1993 […] See more

Birth of a Culture: Hip-Hop

03/21/2022 The Social Eyes 0

By Maxime Beauregard-Martin The hip-hop movement was born in the Bronx, a New York borough deserted by the middle class in the 1970s. Extremely poor neighborhoods developed, populated principally by Afro-Americans, Puerto Ricans and people from the Caribbean. Inspired by the Jamaican tradition of open […] See more

Lazylegz: Adapt, Adopt, Carry On

05/13/2016 The Social Eyes 0

When Luca « Lazylegz » Patuelli discovered dance, he fell in love with the art form. His handicap never once stopped him from achieving his goal: he quickly made the leap and became a professional dancer. Robbed of the use of his legs, his crutches became his […] See more

Lazylegz: Standing Tall

05/13/2016 The Social Eyes 0

Since childhood, Café Graffiti regular Luca Patuelli, 29, has suffered from a rare disease: arthrogyrposia. Incapable of walking, he has very few muscles in his legs. His dream: to be a dancer. And he has done it. Using his crutches, under the stage name Lazylegz […] See more