Reflection Reflect Me

10/04/2024 The Social Eyes 0

Zoé Saurais Empereur Our self-image sticks to us more than ever. It sticks to our skin, to our look, to our brain. How many mirrors, cameras, screen returns, photographs bring us back to our own reflection? For the youngest generations – those most plugged in […] See more

Honoring JayCy

09/30/2024 Colin McGregor 0

By Colin McGregor On November 7th at the National Assembly of Quebec, a special day for one of our teens. JayCy Denis (pictured) will be honored with one of the Leviers Awards. Given by ROCAJQ (the Regroupement des organismes communautaires autonomes jeunesse du Québec), the […] See more

Autonomy with a Capital A

08/19/2024 Raymond Viger 0

By Raymond Viger Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante is trying to chase cars out of the downtown area. It’s a short-term vision for saving the environment. It’s not the vehicles you have to get rid of downtown – it’s the drivers! To do this you have […] See more

The Passion of a Young Police Officer

06/14/2024 Colin McGregor 0

By Colin McGregor               When she was little, Marie (not her real name) collected police-related objects. “I had a great big box” she recalls, smiling. “Lots of stuff, toy cars, things I cut out of magazines.” She watched police shows on TV, and the reruns too. […] See more

Twenty Children in a Yurt

06/07/2024 Raymond Viger 0

By Raymond Viger Despite the cold and the snow, I head towards a yurt in the middle of a forest in the Lanaudière district of Québec. A yurt is the traditional habitation of Mongolian nomads. It is a tent, decorated in very colorful motifs that […] See more

Muslims Helping Muslims during Ramadan

04/08/2024 Colin McGregor 0

By Colin McGregor At the Goût du Bled restaurant on Jean-Talon East in St-Léonard, each year a wonderful foodbank pops up just for the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. An army of volunteers gets together in the restaurant’s basement kitchen to prepare 1,200 meals a […] See more

One out of Two Men is a Woman

03/29/2024 The Social Eyes 0

By Sarah Lemay for the Gazette de la Mauricie Androcentrism literally means “male-centered.” It is a concept that reveals the historical, cultural and social domination of men over women in numerous societies around the world. This notion, as complex as it may be, has profound […] See more

Do Housecats Sleep a Lot?

03/15/2024 The Social Eyes 0

Catherine Crépeau – The Rumor Detector Agence Science-Presse Your cat spends its day sprawled out on the sofa, while the alley cat outside your door seems to wander around for hours without any need for sleep. Do housecats sleep longer than their outdoor counterparts? That […] See more