A different look at your world… That’s The Social Eyes
In 1992, Raymond Viger, social worker and charity entrepreneur, father of the Café Graffiti, founded the Journal de la Rue newspaper in East End Montreal. The world’s first Francophone street newspaper, it dealt with the issues of the day faced by youths on the street: drugs, delinquency, violence, prostitution, homelessness… That newspaper soon transitioned into the award-winning Reflet de Société magazine… with all proceeds going to intervention and social work with young marginalized youths.
In 2015, Viger, twice named Quebec’s Humanitarian of the Year, had an idea: why not offer the same high level of journalism to Anglophone readers? And in 2015, The Social Eyes was born. Combining fresh new insights from the same team that brings you the award winning Reflet de Société, it was published for three years until economics and a lack of English staff dictated its closure.
But now, The Social Eyes is back! Telling it like it is… the news of the streets!
We’re available on the internet, thesocialeyes.ca, for only $20 a year, with all proceeds going to the Café Graffiti’s efforts to bring marginalized youth back into society.
The Social Eyes
$20 / year
A team of engaged journalists, young and old, are on the job, telling hard-to-tell stories, inspiring with hopeful stories of those who’ve conquered their odds, examining both sides of every issue, offering solutions… Subjects covered include physical and mental health; the environment; prison; abuse; street gangs; street art; gender relations… And we’re open to your suggestions of topics for our team to explore!
You can’t afford to miss out on this generous offer… and we, in turn, appreciate your implication in helping street youth in our pandemic age.
Hello Diana,
My name is Dany Dufour I am the subscription director. If you want to subscribe, send me an email ( danydufour91@gmail.com ) with your complete informations and I will contact you. Thank you for your interest !
So – if I subscribe, do I get a paper version or only on line version?
Hello there! Today as I was on the phone, calling out to the Anglophones of Quebec, I was touched by the comment of a man in Morin Heights who quoted Anne Frank saying “No one has ever become poor by giving.”
Though you might like to know. It made my day! Gwen