Warning Signs

04/04/2019 Raymond Viger 3

Incapable of clearly expressing distress, the suicidal person sends signals to those around them. These signals can be subtle, or jumbo-sized. These signals are appeals for help; a final search for some glimmer of hope before the tsunami hits. Remember, 8 out of 10 suicides […] See more

A Few Basic Facts (Part III)

02/04/2019 Raymond Viger 2

Let’s demystify the process. Here are a few basic facts: This is the usual, normal sequence of events: I.   The person first suffers a loss, be it real or symbolic. II.   Then, a period of depression follows. III.   The depression builds to a crisis point. […] See more

A Few Basic Facts (Part I)

12/04/2018 Raymond Viger 2

Let’s demystify the process. Here are a few basic facts : Being depressed doesn’t mean you’re crazy. Despair and depression, the chief causes of suicidal feelings, are not indicators of a severe mental illness. As you help someone, think to yourself: If I were in […] See more