Lazylegz: Adapt, Adopt, Carry On

05/13/2016 The Social Eyes 0

When Luca « Lazylegz » Patuelli discovered dance, he fell in love with the art form. His handicap never once stopped him from achieving his goal: he quickly made the leap and became a professional dancer. Robbed of the use of his legs, his crutches became his […] See more

Lazylegz: Standing Tall

05/13/2016 The Social Eyes 0

Since childhood, Café Graffiti regular Luca Patuelli, 29, has suffered from a rare disease: arthrogyrposia. Incapable of walking, he has very few muscles in his legs. His dream: to be a dancer. And he has done it. Using his crutches, under the stage name Lazylegz […] See more