Why Electric Cars Came So Late

02/02/2024 Raymond Viger 0

By Raymond Viger Over a century ago, the enterprise created by Henry Ford had as its aim to motorize the rural population. This objective was achieved in the 1920s. Were automobile manufacturers content to rest on their laurels once this occurred? Certainly not. Expansion is […] See more

Four Myths about Wind Power

01/26/2024 The Social Eyes 0

By Maxime Bilodeau – The Rumor Detector Agence Science-Presse (www.sciencepresse.qc.ca) Wind power is often accused of lots of flaws, usually incorrectly. Here are four myths: Wherever there are wind turbines, we often find nearby residents who claim that they suffer from symptoms such as dizziness, […] See more

Fewer Possessions for More Serenity

12/15/2023 The Social Eyes 0

By Célie Dugand Isabelle Lajoie, a mother of three, was constantly tidying and organizing her home, which stressed her out a great deal. Thinking she had problems organizing things, she took courses from professional organizers. But each attempt to organize her own home adequately ended […] See more

Ecology and the Workplace

09/16/2022 The Social Eyes 0

Presented as the key to the future for the protection of the environment, initiatives to adopt eco-responsible behaviors in the workplace are multiplying. Social support and empowerment are the levers of ecological change. By Virginie Francoeur, PhD. We can witness examples of initiatives on the […] See more