Looking for a Job in a Post-Modern World
It’s not easy to find work nowadays. Even if you’re resolute and packed with degrees and diplomas, an honest citizen with no criminal record can find it difficult. Files Society.
The Scapegoat Syndrome
René Girard, a writer and philosopher from France, feels that human societies are necessarily full of negative emotions. People copy others – that’s human nature – and one person’s violence and rage can multiply, can get horribly out of control. File Society.
Too Sexy, Too Young
At a shopping centre we meet Haley, 10, who is out with her mom. This little Ontarian is rarely caught without her bright red lip gloss and fake nose piercing. When asked why, Haley explains: “It’s pretty, and it matches mommy’s piercing so we look the same.”. File Society
Broken Windows
In 2012, a shy, quiet teacher and political philosopher named James Wilson died. An expert in Chicago’s black neighborhoods, he was best known as the man who came up with the “Broken Windows” Theory. File Society
Midnight Teens Are Not Thugs
The pineal gland is tiny. Wedged between both hemispheres of your brain, it may be small, but it has a huge impact on society – especially, on teenagers. That’s because it manufactures melatonin, the hormone that controls your sleep. When the pineal gland manufactures more melatonin, you get sleepy. File Society
The Path
Some months ago, when Colin proudly announced that he would be the editor of a new magazine, The Social Eyes, the English version of Reflet de Societe, I promised, in a burst of enthusiasm , to contribute an article to one issue. Files Society
Transgender Children: Born This Way
Their worldview is drawn in shades of gray. For some, their world is an indefinable rainbow of colors. They were born with characteristics of both sexes: medically they qualify as androgynous, or hermaphrodite. Files Society
Invisible to the Banking System? Building a Credit Rating
There are a host of reasons why someone might be invisible to the banking system. A spouse uses their partner’s account; an ex-convict hasn’t made a deposit in years; an immigrant has no credit history in this country… Files Society
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