Colin was referred to us by Jean-Pierre Bellemare during his detention at the Cowansville prison. Colin was quickly interested in our magazine Reflet de Societe and it’s mission of prevention and awareness.
English journalist, Colin began to send us original english chronicles. Translations of his texts began with Dominic Desmarais and since 2012, by Normand Charest.
You can find his texts on life in prison in our category: Prisoner’s Chronicle, under Chronicles of Colin McGregor. There is also the tickets of his cellmate, Jean-Pierre Bellemare.
A writing experience four hands was conducted between Colin McGregor and Raymond Viger. From the book Amour en 3 Dimensions, Colin rewrote the novel in an English version. The novel is published as LOVE in 3D.
Description for: Amour en 3 Dimensions and LOVE in 3D.
The second book of Colin McGregor and Raymond Viger was The Suicide Prevention Handbook.
The books will also be available shortly for download.
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