A Criminal Record and the Job Market

05/03/2024 Colin McGregor 0

By Colin McGregor     One Quebec adult in seven has a criminal record. That’s 900,000 people 18 years of age or older. This statistic is verified by the Association des services de réhabilitation sociale du Québec (ASRSQ). Given the current manpower shortage you’d think it would […] See more

Fuel Economy and the Auto Industry

04/12/2024 Raymond Viger 0

By Raymond Viger To reduce gas consumption, on January 2, 1974, U.S. President Richard Nixon lowered the speed limit on American roads to 55 miles an hour. Given that vehicles at the time consumed upwards of 17.4 litres/100 km, this gas saving measure had its […] See more

The Beginnings of the Automobile

04/05/2024 Raymond Viger 0

By Raymond Viger In the beginning, the car company started by Henry Ford had as its aim to bring the automobile to the rural population. By 1920 this objective had been realized. Were auto manufacturers content with achieving this? By no means. Expansion is a […] See more

One out of Two Men is a Woman

03/29/2024 The Social Eyes 0

By Sarah Lemay for the Gazette de la Mauricie Androcentrism literally means “male-centered.” It is a concept that reveals the historical, cultural and social domination of men over women in numerous societies around the world. This notion, as complex as it may be, has profound […] See more

The Benefits of Buying Local

01/05/2024 The Social Eyes 0

By Alain Dumas, economist, editor at the Gazette de la Mauricie Considering that food takes up about 20% of our budget, replacing imported foods with local produce has a big impact on our economy and our environment. For example, when we buy a chicken that’s […] See more

Women and Love Throughout the Ages

11/06/2023 Raymond Viger 0

By Raymond Viger The French dictionary is an imposing tome, a great philosophical treatise. We can meditate on the given definition of a word and use it, with confidence, in a coherent context. By knowing a precise definition, we can make a word vibrate with […] See more

Suicidal Cyclists and Pedestrians

11/03/2023 Raymond Viger 0

By Raymond Viger The relationship between automobile drivers, cyclists and pedestrians has changed greatly over the last few years. In the previous century, the road belonged to vehicles. A pedestrian who risked sticking their foot out onto the street did so at their own risk. […] See more

Art that Breaks Down Barriers

10/09/2023 Colin McGregor 0

By Colin McGregor In a Quebec City theater, an unusual event: an exhibition of paintings, poems and sculptures all created by people with criminal records. Personnes judicarisées, (People brought to justice) to use the terminology of criminologists. The welcome from visitors to this opening is […] See more