The Mother of Arborescence

03/01/2024 Raymond Viger 0

By Raymond Viger The interview takes place on a hands-free telephone, in front of the young people from the center and the parents present. Milaine Brousseau Ouellette, who has two children, operated a daycare at her home. She let the kids play outside all the […] See more

French Barnyard Vocabulary

12/18/2023 The Social Eyes 0

By Anne Marie Parent For this column, we offer three French words and an English-French expression, all relevant to barnyard-based vocabulary. 1) Poule (hen) The word “poule” comes from the classical Latin word pulla, the feminine of the word pullus, which means “very small.” So […] See more

The Invisible Poor

11/10/2023 Colin McGregor 0

By Colin McGregor    J. went to Services Canada to apply for unemployment insurance. But he couldn’t follow through until the end. “There were complicated words on the forms,” he complains. “Written in a complex fashion. It was really far more complicate than I thought it […] See more

Women and Love Throughout the Ages

11/06/2023 Raymond Viger 0

By Raymond Viger The French dictionary is an imposing tome, a great philosophical treatise. We can meditate on the given definition of a word and use it, with confidence, in a coherent context. By knowing a precise definition, we can make a word vibrate with […] See more

Suicidal Cyclists and Pedestrians

11/03/2023 Raymond Viger 0

By Raymond Viger The relationship between automobile drivers, cyclists and pedestrians has changed greatly over the last few years. In the previous century, the road belonged to vehicles. A pedestrian who risked sticking their foot out onto the street did so at their own risk. […] See more

French Tree Vocabulary

09/22/2023 The Social Eyes 0

By Anne Marie Parent Tree names are very different in English and in French. But there are some similarities. For example, the French word for tree, arbre, comes from the Latin root arbor, which we see used in the term for a tree farm, an […] See more