A poem from the book Liberté – Un sourire intérieur (Freedom – an Inner Smile) by Raymond Viger
An anthology of poems to meditate upon. Each poem reveals a message, an emotion. The same poem can take on a different color, depending on your state of mind.
The Fight
You fight for love
For the love of fighting?
You fight your love
You fight without end.
Young, you received your training
To be a knight without fear nor blame
Defending the widow and the orphan.
You hid your fears well
You wanted to flee all blame
You raised your defenses around your emotions
You made a widow out of your wife
You lost yourself in combat
And, without you, your children
Became orphans.
You fought for an ideal
An ideal you imposed upon yourself
That came from the outside, from your education
Instead of educating yourself from your inside.
When you have finished battling
When you have laid waste to everything,
Burn your old beliefs
Empty yourself.
Like the Phoenix,
Become reborn from your ashes
Show the colors of your smile
And become free to soar and fly.
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