Québec-based outdoor outfitters Chlorophylle is putting on its Jacket Donation event for the third consecutive year.
Customers of the chain are invited to bring in second-hand coats as a way of giving second life to hundreds of coats and helping as many people as possible who can’t find adequate clothing for our harsh local winter.
In exchange for a jacket or a coat, regardless of the brand, Chlorophylle will offer a $75 reduction off the price of a new Chlorophylle coat or jacket. The exchange must happen in a Chlorophylle outlet.
Donations are then given to community organizations across the province of Quebec and redistributed to people who are homeless or in need. Last year, 350 coats went to people in the community through this program.
“A winter jacket is a big part of a person’s budget, but it is essential to get through the winter,” explains Michel St-Gelais, director of the Maison d’Accueil pour sans-abri de Chicoutimi, for whom the event is an eagerly awaited moment to meet the needs of their clients.
The Jacket Donation goes from November 5th to December 19th. For more information, check out their website.
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