I am the wife of a compulsive gambler. The first rule for helping a gambler who is near and dear to us is to never finance their gambling debts. The gambler has to face the music.
As told to Raymond Viger
That’s the only way to help them to heal. Show unconditional welcome; an open spirit in any discussions; never accuse them or yell at them; but never ever lend them money to go and play.
I’d like to thank Loto-Québec for putting our couple through this enormous trial. We are completely ruined. It will take us years to climb out of this. This situation has led us to get to know Gamblers Anonymous, for my husband, and Gam-Anon, for those close to compulsive gamblers as I am.
Through these two groups, we’ve been able to change our lifestyle. They have brought us a new happiness as we walk the road to recovery.
Before we were wiped out, our children were used to seeing our food cupboards full. Today, after seeing us lack things, they know that they can take nothing for granted. That’s a good thing.
The wonderful moments we’ve been able to enjoy as a couple and as a family are possible because we’ve been able to face up to and accept the troubles we’ve encountered.
That’s why I thank Loto-Québec for having ruined us. We had to go through this to discover a new way of life. We’ve learned to enjoy different pleasures in our lives as well as in our relationship.
I wouldn’t wish what we’ve gone through on anyone. But I would wish that you appreciate a way of life in which you can experience and taste the magic in human relations.
Resources for Compulsive Gamblers:
Gamblers Anonymous and Gam-Anon: (514) 484-6666
Narcotics Anonymous: 1-855-544-6362
Alcoholics Anonymous: (514) 374-3688 ext. 1
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