Is Being a Parent Stressful? (Part II)

02/21/2020 The Social Eyes 0

Stress, depression, burnout… All words we find in articles dealing with parenthood. The subject attracts a lot of comments on social media. From the outside, we can ask if things are truly going that badly on “Planet Parents.” Certainly not, but things could be going […] See more

Justice, Can You Hear Me?

02/18/2020 Raymond Viger 0

Ever since I was a small child, I have always been interested in seeing a safe and just society. By Raymond Viger  And I was convinced that I would have a role to play in achieving that goal. I wanted to see a society where […] See more

Speak Openly

02/04/2020 Raymond Viger 2

Direct Intervention Intervening to save the life of a suicidal youth means conveying a sense of hope: you must be warm and very, very human in your approach. A spirit of simplicity and humility on your part is absolutely necessary. Without humility in your heart, […] See more