Many things make me different.
I am dyslexic. I only learned this late in life. Because my mother taught me to read, write and count, I still finished at the head of my class. It allowed me to study by myself, so I could advance in the course material on my own.
I skipped a few grades ahead. I was always the youngest in my class. I was also always the biggest student in my class.
I study and work differently. I developed techniques concerning the organization and classification of information that allows me to be better organized. I can function at a high level despite my dyslexia.
Being different is the only way I have to be me. I don’t fit the mould. I am different, and proud of my own uniqueness. Being myself means loving who I am. Being a leader means being original and unique.
You can’t become a “somebody” if you just do what everyone else does…
First seen in: Reflet de Société, Vol. 25, no. 2, printemps (spring) 2017, page 4
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